We created our own 4 Stage delivery model that resolves the key pain points

1 Discover

During this phase, you present an outline of the structure or place you want to create. It doesn’t matter if it’s rough or polished, because our team at the Design Engineering Hub is there to provide direction and inspiration through discovery meetings, creative catch-ups and email. This means you can be assured of having consistent and accurate costs forecasts throughout the entire project.

2 Develop

With a clearer idea of possible design approaches, it’s time to concentrate on achieving the overall aesthetic within your allocated budget. We’ll collaborate with you to review the finer details including suitable materials, cost feasibility and construction methods. The project will then be workshopped, refined and visualised by our team so you have a clear understanding of exactly what the outcome will look and feel like.

3 Detail

This is where your project really starts to come to life. By combining all the sketches, thoughts, and knowledge from the previous two phases we create the specific materials needed to move everything forward. These include engineering drawings, design certifications, geotechnical investigation reports and more. Ultimately, this ensures your finished structure will come together faster, be more efficient and function more reliably.